Key Terminology

Credit Hour: A unit of time that measures educational credit.

Non-lab based Courses: Courses which do not require the use of technologies, tools, apparatuses and equipment for practical learning and experiments, such as lectures.

Laboratory / Studio-based Courses: Courses that utilize use of technologies, tools, apparatuses and equipment for practical learning and experiments.

General Education Courses: Courses that are offered by the General Academic Requirements Division (GARD), provide students with critical thinking skills; a broad understanding of the approaches to knowledge such as the Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences or the Sciences; a common core of understanding among students (such as in Islamic studies or other cultural studies); and a level of skill appropriate to Higher Education in Mathematics, Information Literacy, the Application of Technology and Communications (oral and written) (2019 Standards for Licensure and Program Accreditation).

Work Integrated Learning (WIL): Work integrated learning that is embedded in curriculum, program specific, for credit.

Workplace Experiential Learning (WEL): Supervised and recorded work experience, not for credit.

Project-based Courses: Project-based courses refer to any programmatic or instructional approach that utilizes multifaceted projects as a central organizing strategy for educating students. When engaged in project-based learning, students will typically be assigned a project or series of projects that require them to use diverse skills—including but not limited to researching, writing, interviewing, collaborating, or public speaking to produce various work products, such as research papers, scientific studies, public-policy proposals, multimedia presentations, or video documentaries.

Program: A study plan leading to an accredited academic qualification such as Applied Bachelor Degree.

Major: A field of study in which a student specializes at the bachelor level. This requires a completion of at least 30 credits

Concentration: A grouping of courses, which represents a sub-specialization taken within the major field of study. This requires a completion of at least 15 credits.

Core courses: These include all those, which the students are required to take within the program.

Electives: These courses provide students with a range of options from which they select the courses they wish to study.