AFT- Aeroplane Flying Training (AFT)
AFT 4006 Aeroplane Ground School Training (6-1-6)
Ground school training is designed to prepare the student to operate the training aircraft for flight and includes technical and operating details of training aircraft systems and flight line and safety procedures.
Prerequisites: AVS 3113, AVS 2143, AVS 3023, AVS 3013, AVS 3133
AFT 4015 Aeroplane General Handling Ground School (4-2-5)
In Aeroplane General Handling Ground school course , students are taught the specific details of airfield operating procedures, aircraft flight procedures and aircraft manoeuver procedures for VFR conditions. All aspects of general handling are covered including take-off, landing, climbing, descending, turning, level flight, circuits, emergency recovery, and aerobatics.
AFT 4025 Aeroplane General Handling Flying (0-5-5)
In Aeroplane General Handling Flying course , students practice general handling flight, applying all information and skills provided by previous courses. Students carry outairfield operating procedures, aircraft flight procedures and aircraft manoeuver procedures for VFR conditions. All flight profiles for general handling are covered including take-off, landing, climbing, descending, turning, level flight, circuits, emergency recovery, and aerobatics.
AFT 4101 Aeroplane Instrument Flying Ground School (1-0-1)
In Aeroplane Instrument Flying Ground school course, students are taught Instrument Flight Rules and instrument flight procedures for flight and navigation and will practice those procedures on flight simulator and instrument flying training missions.
AFT 4112 Aeroplane Instrument Flying (0-4-2)
Instrument Flying (IF) phase of the Course consists of both classroom learning and flying exercises. During classroom/ ground schooling phase, the students are introduced to the study of Instrument Charts. How to consult these to find out the standard airfield departure/recovery procedures (SID/STAR), Instrument Landing System (ILS) approaches and airway navigation. Students also carryout paper exercises to understand how to fly in IMC or night time while making use of Radial/DME from any VOR transmitter.
AFT 4202 Aeroplane Navigation Flying Phase (1-3-2)
In Aeroplane Navigation Flying Phase, students learn how to prepare a navigational route and how to apply navigational procedures and techniques in order to fly an aircraft on a preplanned mission, how to use aircraft instruments for navigation and practice different part of the mission exercises including departure / arrival / set course procedures, medium and low level navigation techniques, how to carry out diversion and how to avoid danger area / bad weather during navigation missions, how to use collision avoidance transceivers (e.g. ADS – B, FLARM etc).
AFT 4212 Aeroplane Formation Flying Phase (1-2-2)
In Formation Flying Phase , students apply operational and safety procedures to fly an aircraft in close and tactical formation in accordance with a formation flight plan and local operating procedures for formation flight. Students achieve proficiency in Formation Flying so as to be able to fly Close and Tactical Formation solo. Students also practice formation specific emergencies.
Prerequisites: AVS 2133
Corequisites: AFT 4006
AFT 4221 Aeroplane Night Flying Phase (0-1-1)
Night Flying Phase is designed to prepare students to operate the training aircraft at night proficiently in accordance with night flying phase plan and local night flying operating procedures. Students practice night specific emergencies while achieving proficiency to operate aircraft solo at night while staying in the circuit.