CIB - Business Solutions (CIB)

CIB 4003 E Business Applications Development (2-2-3)

Develop the skills required to build e-commerce applications. Develop server side applications that generate content, maintain state, authenticate users, connect to databases, and provide security of transactions and confidentiality of data. Build a complete e-commerce web application that handles memberships, online catalogues, shopping cart module, and check out.

Prerequisites: CIS 1203

CIB 4113 Accounting and Finance Analytics (2-2-3)

Developing students’ understanding of accounting and finance principles that are required to succeed in the marketplace. Understanding how to use data analytics based on accounting and financial data and demonstrating the process of collecting, cleaning, and transforming accounting and finance data that can be used in decision-making process. Applying appropriate analytical and visualization tools and technologies to analyze and visualize the accounting and financial data in the different stages of business processes

Prerequisites: CIS 3413, CIS 3613