FIN - Finance (FIN)

FIN 2003 Financial Management (2-2-3)

The objective of this course is to equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills in financial management and decision-making. The students will gain an understanding of different long-term financing options available to companies and how they can be utilized to support management decisions. They will learn to apply the concept of time value of money in bond valuation and capital budgeting techniques, and analyze the financial health of companies using ratio analysis. The course will also explore the management of firms' working capital and the various short-term financing options.

Prerequisites: ACC 1003

FIN 2013 Money and Banking (2-2-3)

The objective of this course is to build students’ knowledge of money issues, financial systems, and financial intermediation theory. It covers various types of money, monetary aggregates, and the functions of central banks in regulating the banking system and setting monetary policy. Overall, this course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the financial intermediation theory and the unique role of banks in the economy. It equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze the behavior of financial intermediaries.

FIN 2103 Quantitative Methods (2-2-3)

This course provides students with skills in quantitative methods (QM) and their applications. Students will be able to analyze and interpret quantitative data, solve problems and make informed decisions, using mathematical and statistical techniques. The course demonstrates the step by step application of the methods of analysis and interpretation of financial and non-financial data. Emphasis is placed on the achievement of understanding of the principles and techniques of QM. This course provides an edge to students pursuing careers in Finance and other areas of business.

Prerequisites: STS 2003

FIN 3003 Corporate Finance (2-2-3)

This course helps you develop your knowledge of corporate finance. It equips you with knowledge and techniques to tackle the main financial problems in business, in particular understand corporate capital structure, how to estimate the cost of capital of a business, how to appraise investment projects, how to value a company for takeover or flotation, and what dividend policy to choose. The course equips you with financial jargon that is necessary to communicate confidently in the world of finance with various stakeholders. It will also help you develop your Excel skills for finance.

Prerequisites: FIN 2003

FIN 3013 Financial Assets and Markets (2-2-3)

The course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze financial markets, evaluate asset classes, and assess the performance of derivative instruments. The course covers the importance of financial markets for the economy, different types of financial markets and instruments, and the characteristics of various asset classes, including digital assets and fintech companies. Students will learn how to calculate yields for money market and capital market instruments, understand the characteristics of derivative instruments

Prerequisites: FIN 2003

FIN 3103 Ethics, Sharia Law and Professional Qualifications (2-2-3)

Islamic Law is central to Islam and is the blueprint for every part of life and every field of law – including commercial law, as well as doctrine and worship, ethics, morality and manners. This course is important as each individual or Islamic banks need to understand the worldview and philosophy of Islamic finance and banking which underpins Islamic finance industry. The course equips students with the philosophical aspects of Islamic business matters such as contracts and applications of Shari’ah in matters related to Islamic finance and banking.

Prerequisites: MGT 3003

FIN 3113 Insurance (2-2-3)

The concept of risk and insurance is introduced in the course. Students study the different types of insurance and learn how to apply the risk management. Students analyze the structure of the insurance market and learn how to apply the basic principles of insurance. The requirements of the insurance contract are explained and discussed. The government regulation in insurance is analyzed and the features of life insurance are examined. The course elaborates in detail the characteristics of auto insurance, home insurance and commercial property insurance.

Prerequisites: FIN 2003

FIN 4003 Bank Management (2-2-3)

While banks continue to develop and innovate financial management techniques, regulations continue to expose banks to stricter standards and requirements. Understanding the role of banks in an economy requires understanding their micro-functions and performance. This course examines how bank performance is measured and evaluated using operational performance measures; demonstrates how banks deal with various types of risks; explains the different components of bank asset and liability management, and provides understanding of various bank strategies including bank funding, lending and pricing.

Prerequisites: FIN 2013

FIN 4013 Islamic Banking and Islamic Financial Markets (2-2-3)

This course provides an in-depth analysis of the principles and practices of Islamic banking and finance. It focuses on the sources and applications of funds in Islamic Banking and Finance, as well as sale-based financing products, service-based products and partnership contracts. The course also focuses on the structure of Islamic financial markets and institutions, and their role in the development of the Islamic finance industry.

Prerequisites: FIN 2013

FIN 4023 Real Estate Finance (2-2-3)

The nature of real estate and different types of real estate ownership are examined. Students learn the principles of real estate market valuation and appraisal methods through discussion, comparison and analysis. Applies real estate market research to forecast ownership benefits and value. Analyses institutions and instruments used to finance real estate and identifies sources of commercial debt and equity capital. Evaluates impact of time and risk on value of real estate investment, mortgage finance, and development. Covers concepts, theories and industry practices used for decision making.

Prerequisites: FIN 2003

FIN 4033 International Finance (2-2-3)

This course contrasts international finance with domestic finance. It demonstrates step by step how the tools of international finance are used to examine the international financial environment, including the international monetary system, the balance of payments, the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange exposure management, as well as the main factors affecting foreign exchange rates. Further, it explores the mechanism of international trade financing and its effect on the development of an open economy.

Prerequisites: FIN 2013

FIN 4053 Islamic Economics (2-2-3)

Enables the student to comprehend the foundations of Islamic economics and to distinguish between an Islamic economic system and conventional systems. It introduces microeconomics from an Islamic perspective and explains consumption, production, distribution and market structure in Islamic economics. Finally, it provides an overview of Islamic macroeconomics.

Prerequisites: FIN 3103, ECO 1103

FIN 4103 Entrepreneurial Finance (2-2-3)

The course focusses on entrepreneurial financing modalities ranging from angel financing, bank loans, venture capital to private equity will be explored with particular emphasis on UAE. The course will prepare students to make convincing financing pitches to investors based on business viability, financial projections and valuations of their entrepreneurial ideas. The course will expose students to enterprise valuation methodologies based on pro forma statements and cash flow projections and analyze value propositions from both innovator and investor perspectives.

Prerequisites: FIN 2003

FIN 4113 Investments and Derivatives (2-2-3)

Explains the key concepts and principles of investment, portfolio management and derivatives. The topics addressed include the investment setting, diversification, asset allocation, portfolio theories, asset pricing models, mutual funds, performance evaluation and passive and active investment strategies. Provides a comprehensive analysis on the properties of forward, futures, options and swaps, and valuation and hedging of derivatives, simple arbitrage relationships for forward and futures contracts, hedging and basis risk, swaps and options.

Prerequisites: FIN 3013

FIN 4123 Fixed Income Securities (2-2-3)

The course provides an in-depth understanding of the international bond markets and their environment features. Students will learn about the types of bonds and techniques for determining bond prices and yields. The course will examine the term structure of interest rates and how it can be analyzed to determine the impacts of bond yields. The course will explore bond portfolio strategies and the difference between passive and active management. Students will learn about the different types of fixed-income securities and how they can be used to build a portfolio that meets investment objectives

Prerequisites: FIN 3013

FIN 4133 Behavioural Finance (2-2-3)

Behavioural finance is a new and exciting area in economics that combines the psychology of human behaviour with the traditional theories of finance and economics. This course surveys research which incorporates psychological evidence into economics. Topics include: prospect theory, biases in probabilistic judgment, self-control and mental accounting with implications for consumption and savings, fairness and altruism, financial market anomalies and theories. The course also includes basics of technical analysis as it is directly related to the market efficiency notion.

FIN 4143 Islamic Financial Planning (2-2-3)

Familiarizes students with a comprehensive Islamic financial planning based on the principles of Shariah. An Islamic financial plan has the same objectives as a regular financial plan – to help people earn, save, invest, spend and give. The difference is that an Islamic financial plan is created in accordance with Islamic values and principles. The course uses the five pillars of Islamic financial planning framework: (i) Earning, (ii) Saving, (iii) Investing, (iv) Spending, and (v) Giving.

Prerequisites: FIN 2003, FIN 4013

FIN 4153 Islamic Accounting (3-1-3)

Discusses and explains accounting from an Islamic perspective, accounting for Islamic financial instruments, and zakat accounting. The subjects covered include accounting concepts from Shariah perspective, Islamic ethics for accountants, financial reporting for Islamic financial institutions, accounting for deposits and investments, accounts of Islamic banks, accounting for Islamic financial products, and accounting for zakat. The course also includes a critical appraisal of the current practical experience in the Muslim world and current research prospects.

Prerequisites: ACC 1003

FIN 4163 Risk Management of Islamic Financial Institutions (2-2-3)

This is a specialized Islamic finance course that intends to equip the students with in-depth knowledge of risk management for Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). It specifically focuses on the risk management tools for the major Islamic banking instruments, in addition to the Takaful, Sukuk and derivative instruments. Additionally, the course places emphasis on the regulatory framework for IFIs risk management in the UAE.

Prerequisites: FIN 4013

FIN 4173 Applied Investment Management (2-2-3)

Introduces key concepts and the full content of the CFA-IF (Charted Financial Analyst-Investment Foundations) professional certification examination, through a combination of in-class delivery, visual content and practical examples in the form used in the CFA-IF examination. Covers the essentials of finance, ethics, and investment roles, providing a clear understanding of the global investment industry. Provides students with suitable preparation for the CFA-IF external exam and upon its completion an ability to demonstrate a mastery of core foundational principles of the investment profession

FIN 4183 Sustainable Finance (2-2-3)

Sustainable Finance course covers the basics of environmental risk factors to be considered in investment decisions. It aims to equip learners with the skills to evaluate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors critical for making investments in sustainable financial products. The course covers primarily climate risk, while providing opportunities for learners to understand social and governance factors, essential for sustainable investments. Learners will be exposed to key international climate treaties related to climate risk, as well as country-specific case studies.

Prerequisites: FIN 3013

FIN 4203 Finance Research Project (2-2-3)

Demonstrating mastery of the program learning outcomes, this capstone course requires the application of in-depth knowledge and research skills gained across the Finance Program to be evidenced in the industry-based project and report. The purpose is to integrate previously taught courses in order to identify opportunities for the application and critical review of theory and practice in a business environment. In addition, this project (with the guidance of business faculty) is to be informed and supported where possible by industry in order to provide a high level of authentic learning.

Prerequisites: FIN 4003