HSW - Social Work (HSW)

HSW 1003 Introduction to Social Work (3-1-3)

Students are introduced to history of social work. The course focuses on the knowledge, values and skills central to social work practice. Students will develop an understanding of the generalist social work practitioner using the person in environment perspective. Students will have knowledge of the different micro, mezzo and macro levels of practice in a wide range of social service agencies working with diverse population groups. Social work roles and career paths are also introduced and discussed.

HSW 1023 Basic Counselling Skills (3-1-3)

Introduces the basic techniques required for effective communication and interviewing. Topics include active listening skills; questioning and client-centered interviewing skills; empathy; the influence of culture on communication; and the importance of self-awareness. Develops skills in analysing communication events, through observation or involvement, and implementation of behaviours for successful responses.

HSW 1033 Social Diversity and Justice (3-1-3)

Focuses on issues of diversity, oppression and social justice. Techniques to identify social justice issues as well as skills to successfully intervene with clients experiencing such issues are developed. Impact of diversity on client populations to include identification of strengths are explored. Opportunities for reflection on individual values, beliefs and behaviours towards diversity are provided.

HSW 1223 Social Work Practice I (3-1-3)

Introduces the knowledge and skills necessary for generalist social work practice with individuals and families. Develops skills of engagement, assessment, documentation, goal and intervention planning. Specific emphasis is given to the theoretical underpinnings of systems ecological framework and the problem-solving process.

Prerequisites: HSW 1023

HSW 1233 Social Work and Child Protection in the UAE (3-1-3)

Students will explore the theory and practice of child protection from a global and local perspective. Focuses on identification of signs and symptoms of abuse, analysis of need, vulnerability, risk and resilience of the various types of abuses and neglect. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of the complexities in assessment of child abuse and exploring innovative intervention strategies for working with diverse cultural groups. This will include examining the roles and responsibilities of social workers in agencies which provide child protection services in the UAE.

Prerequisites: HSW 1003, HSW 1023

HSW 1313 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I - Children and Adolescents (3-1-3)

Explores the interaction between development, behavior and the environment during developmental stages of infancy through adolescence. Knowledge and application of theories that provide understanding of biological, psychological, cultural and social systems on development will be examined.

Prerequisites: HSW 1003, HSW 1023

HSW 2013 Vulnerable Populations: Children and Families (3-1-3)

This course extends and applies knowledge and skills gained in earlier social work courses to specific populations, namely children and families at risk of abuse. Students will gain increased knowledge of dynamics and risk factors unique to families and children at risk. Opportunities to apply theoretical frameworks, knowledge and skills in identifying family violence such as child abuse, substance and alcohol misuse, and domestic violence will be explored.

HSW 2033 Laws and Ethics in Social Work in the UAE (3-1-3)

Develops an increased understanding of the values and ethics that shape social work practice. Develops skills in recognizing ethical issues and applying an ethical legal framework to guide practice decisions and enhance use of critical thinking skills. Attention is given to the International Social Work Code of Ethics as well as other ethical frameworks and their application to UAE social work practice.

Prerequisites: HSW 1033

HSW 2133 Social Work with Families (3-1-3)

Utilizes family theories and models to explore family structure, dynamics, and interactions. Draws from structural, communication, and behavioural approaches to family interventions as well as utilizing a continuing emphasis on the problem solving approach as applied to culturally relevant models. Introduces World Health Organization approved whole population inoculation strategies parenting approaches to common mental health and behavioural problems for children and young people.

Prerequisites: HSW 1023

HSW 2143 Social Work Practice II (3-1-3)

Emphasizes the intervention and evaluation phases of social work generalist practice. Students gain knowledge, skills and values of evidence-based methods of intervention and evaluation for application in diverse environments. Emphasis on Self Practice and Self Reflection will occur throughout.

Prerequisites: HSW 1023, HSW 1223, HSW 1003, HSW 1233

HSW 2323 Vulnerable Populations: Persons with Disabilities (3-1-3)

Extends and applies knowledge and skills gained in foundational Social Work courses to specific populations. Increases knowledge of dynamics and risk factors unique to persons with disabilities. Applies theories such as systems theory to case examples and as a way to guide practice interventions. Introduces protocol driven evidence based interventions for specific populations.

HSW 2324 Child Protection Field Education (1-15-4)

This course will provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in professional social work practice with an emphasis on child protection. In doing so, students will be able to reflect on practice experience and analyse their application and use of social work knowledge, theories, skills, ethics, and values working with individuals and families in a human service agency. Students will also be expected to ‘add value’ to the organization by creating a project catered to the organizational needs. Students will participate in role-play, critical reflection, discussion, and presentations.

Prerequisites: HSW 1233, HSW 1223

HSW 3013 Social Work Practice III (3-1-3)

This course builds on knowledge and skills learned in Social Work Practice I and II. Students will learn how to both select and apply intervention theories and methods in working with culturally diverse populations and contexts. The application of practice models in the context of practice-based skills will be emphasized throughout. The course emphasizes a blend of student self-directed learning in combination with Problem Based Learning toward self-practice and self-reflection of skills, techniques, and tools. The evidence base for skills is considered throughout.

Prerequisites: HSW 1223, HSW 2143

HSW 3023 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II (3-1-3)

Explores the interaction between development, behavior and the environment during young, middle and older adulthood. Knowledge and application of theories that provide understanding of biological, psychological, cultural and social systems on adult functioning will be examined.

Prerequisites: HSW 1313

HSW 3033 Advanced Group Work (3-1-3)

Expands knowledge of social group work, mutual aid and mezzo level practice. Building on knowledge of group development, dynamics and processes, students will apply knowledge and skills to development of a mutual aid group. The impact of diversity on group dynamics and processes are discussed and explored.

Prerequisites: HSW 3103

HSW 3103 Social Work with Groups (3-1-3)

During this course students will be guided through various group development and situations, completing a series of group exercises, videos, teacher-led lecturers, assessments as well as role play. Student will also experience step-by-step group work practice, from planning and preparing, to starting out, facilitating and finally ending group working, whilst taking into consideration impact of diversity.

Prerequisites: HSW 1023

HSW 3223 Social Work Action and Advocacy (3-1-3)

Builds on micro, mezzo and macro practice skills needed to work with systems of all sizes. Develops strategies and techniques to ethically advocate for options, services, resources and resource development. Particular emphasis will be given to social work tools of advocacy, negotiation, brokering and mediation as ways to promote planned change with and on behalf of clients.

Prerequisites: HSW 2033

HSW 3943 Social Work Field Education II (1-11-3)

This course will provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in professional social work practice. In doing so, students will be able to reflect on practice experience and analyse their application and use of social work knowledge, theories, skills, ethics, and values working with individuals and families in a human service agency. Students will also be expected to ‘add value’ to the organization by creating a project catered to the organizational needs.

Prerequisites: HSW 2324

HSW 4013 Research Methodologies for Social Work (3-1-3)

Introduces the importance of evidence based practice to evaluate and inform social work. Develops knowledge of scientific processes and methods involved in research, as well as an understanding of research related concepts, terms and theory. Opportunities to create a research proposal are provided.

HSW 4033 Social Policy and Social Development (3-1-3)

Understanding how policies are constructed, what values underlie them, and how they are implemented? Applying and interacting with policy on a daily basis. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of these policies on programs and services. These include health and mental health programs, education, homelessness and income and social supports, pensions, criminal justice services, and child protective services. Analyze policies according to ethics and values, and indicating how policies and services regard and care for the most vulnerable.

Prerequisites: HSW 2033

HSW 4216 Capstone Research Project (3-7-6)

Provides an opportunity to study UAE social problems, or problem interventions or some aspect of UAE social policy and their impact on client issues. Students select an area of interest, choose methodology, collect, analyse data and present conclusions.

Prerequisites: HSW 4013

Corequisites: HSW 4927

HSW 4223 Social Work Management and Leadership (3-1-3)

This course will highlight the significance of supervision and leadership in human service organizations. Students will understand the link between supervision as the cornerstone of social work practice, which is supported by human service leaders. Students will be introduced to administration as a role and function in managing social service organizations. It will also focus on the theoretical underpinnings of administration, supervision, and leadership.

Prerequisites: HSW 3013, HSW 3223, HSW 2033

HSW 4233 International Social Work (3-1-3)

Explores the historical development and current trends in the field of international social work. Ability to analyze the role of the United Nations and its impact on international social work is developed. Explores other international agencies and current roles for social workers in these organizations. Impact of social policy on international agencies is emphasized within a systems context.

HSW 4243 Psychological Health and Issues (3-1-3)

Applies psychological theory to mental health and wellbeing. Examines treatment paradigms for mental health and behavioral disorders and provides opportunities for knowledge and application of theoretical approaches to wellbeing, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Application of skills to locate and use major classification systems for mental health and behavioral disorders will also be provided. An emphasis on well-being and recovery models is provided throughout the course.

Prerequisites: HSC 2203, HSW 2143, HSW 2324, HSW 3013

HSW 4303 Social Work with Communities (3-1-3)

Utilizes knowledge of community work theory and practice as a macro level method of social work. Applies assessment tools such as social compass and community profiling to undertake needs assessment. Utilizes appropriate techniques and strategies to effectively write a proposal and conduct a community work project, according to the identified needs. Mastery will be achieved in conducting assessments, project planning, proposal writing, implementation, and evaluation.

Prerequisites: HSW 2133, HSW 3103

HSW 4927 Social Work Field Education III (1-27-7)

The course aims at providing the students with industry experience in diverse and generalist social work settings. In this final field practicum, the students are expected to assimilate and synthesize the application of social work knowledge, skills, ethics and values with the individuals, families, groups, and communities. The course will assist students in fine-tuning their competencies and skills as professional social workers in training with local organizations while providing networking opportunities and preparing them for their future employment.

Prerequisites: HSW 2324, HSW 3943

Corequisites: HSW 4216