LSC - Communication (LSC)

LSC 0303 English Communications II (8-2-3)

Covers English vocabulary, grammar and communication skills at CEFR levels B1 and B1+. Using a broad range of articles, reports and introductory academic texts to write a range of essay types, and communicating effectively in an academic context using a range of vocabulary and grammar structures at the B1+ level is covered. Basic project skills, study skills, and IT skills are introduced.

LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication (3-1-3)

Introduces students to the principles of effective professional written communication and its various formats. Enables students to produce written work that is organized, clear, coherent, and concise, using appropriate vocabulary, language structures and mechanics to present their work in a professional context.

LSC 1503 Professional Spoken Communication (3-1-3)

Develops students' language and key skills required in professional spoken communication and prepares them for participating in spoken communication activities in the workplace.

LSC 2193 Applied Skills Capstone (3-1-3)

Incorporates the skills and competencies introduced in the pre-requisite courses into a futures-based applied research capstone course in which students conceptualize a study, collect secondary research data, analyze and interpret data, and present findings in a professional written product. Develops students’ interview skills for future workforce preparedness.

Prerequisites: LSC 1103, LSS 1003, LSS 1123, (LSM 1003 or LSM 1103 or LSM 1113 or LSM 1123 or MTH 1113)

LSC 3023 Professional English (3-1-3)

Focus is on career preparation by developing students’ professional skills, as well as writing, speaking, listening, and innovative thinking skills. Students will demonstrate a mastery of taught content by analyzing and synthesizing different job related scenarios using problem solving and negotiation skills. Students demonstrate proficiency in conducting and participating in career related meetings, simulations, and presentations.

Prerequisites: LSC 1103