Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

UAV 4003 UAV Pilot Ground School (3-2-3)

UAV Pilot Ground school Course is designed to prepare students to operate training aircraft for flight and includes technical and operating details of training aircraft systems and flight line and safety procedures. This course is part of the initial phase of UAV pilot training and provides essential Aircraft flying experience.

Prerequisites: AVS 2133, AVS 3113

Corequisites: AVS 4012

UAV 4012 UAV Pilot General Handling Ground School (2-2-2)

Presents the airfield operating procedures. Consolidates the knowledge of aircraft flight procedures for VFR conditions already taken during the Airmanship course. Applies all aspects of general handling, covered in Principles of Flight and Aircraft Performance courses, through Aircraft flying experience.

Prerequisites: UAV 4003, AVS 2123

UAV 4022 UAV Pilot General Handling Flying (2-2-2)

In UAV Pilot General Handling Flying course , students practice general handling flight, applying all information and skills provided by previous courses. Students carry out airfield operating procedures, aircraft flight procedures and aircraft manoeuver procedures for VFR conditions. All flight profiles for general handling are covered including take-off, landing, climbing, descending, turning, level flight, circuits, emergency recovery. This course is part of the initial phase of UAV pilot training and provides essential Aircraft flying experience.

Prerequisites: UAV 4012

UAV 4031 UAV Pilot Instrument Flying (1-2-1)

UAV Pilot Instrument Flying Course consists of both classroom learning and flying exercises. During classroom/ ground schooling phase, the students are introduced to the study of Instrument Charts. How to consult these to find out the standard airfield departure/recovery procedures (SID/STAR), Instrument Landing System (ILS) approaches. This course is part of the initial phase of UAV pilot training and provides essential Aircraft flying experience.

Prerequisites: UAV 4003

UAV 4041 UAV Pilot Navigation Flying (1-2-1)

In UAV Pilot Navigation Flying course students learn how to prepare a navigational route and how to apply navigational procedures and techniques in order to fly an aircraft on a preplanned mission, how to use aircraft instruments for navigation and practice different part of the mission exercises including departure / arrival / set course procedures, medium and low level navigation techniques, how to carry out diversion and how to avoid danger area / bad weather during navigation missions.

Prerequisites: UAV 4003

UAV 4103 Unmanned Aircraft Operations (3-1-3)

This course will prepare the student to be able to select a UAV system to achieve a specific military output and to determine how to configure and use that UAV to achieve the mission goals. The considerations and constraints on UAV operation due to civil and military airspace control are discussed.

Prerequisites: UAV 4022

UAV 4113 Unmanned Vehicle Systems (3-1-3)

Students will study the wide range of systems commonly found on UAVs, including propulsion, payload, automation and remote control, communications and sensing systems.

Prerequisites: UAV 4022

UAV 4203 UAV Ground School (3-1-3)

Ground school training is designed to prepare the student to operate the training aircraft for flight and includes technical and operating details of training aircraft systems and flight line and safety procedures.

Prerequisites: UAV 4022

UAV 4213 UAV Flight Training (Simulated) (3-1-3)

Students apply flight path control and navigation skills obtained in manned flight courses and couple them with fundamental theoretical knowledge of unmanned aviation to remotely operate a generic fixed-wing UAS simulator as pilot. The students will conduct launch and recovery procedures, fly the UAV on a variety of general handling and mission flight profiles, and will practice emergency handling procedures.

Prerequisites: UAV 4203, UAV 4103, UAV 4113

UAV 4223 UAV Mission Training (Simulated) (3-1-3)

Students apply fundamental theoretical knowledge of UAS operations, sensors and payloads to remotely operate a generic fixed-wing UAS simulator as Sensor Operator; and then as part of a crew, as both Pilot and Sensor Operator. Students will plan and conduct a variety of UAS missions, which will involve safe flight control and navigation of the UAV, and correct operation and control of the UAS payload sensors.

Prerequisites: UAV 4203, UAV 4213