Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology (Airframe and Aeroengines): Diploma

Program Mission

Working in partnership with industry, the Diploma in Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology (Airframe and Aeroengines) program provides quality education that prepares highly skilled technicians capable of serving the community and fulfilling personal ambitions with excellence. Graduates may choose to continue into the additional two years of the program to become innovative engineers.

License Requirement

Diploma program curriculum is aligned with General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) CAR-66 syllabus for License Categories A1 and A3 and is compatible with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Diploma graduates who passed GCAA module exams will be awarded with a Certificate of Recognition on behalf of GCAA. After working in a GCAA CAR-145 approved Aircraft Maintenance Organisation for 1 year, they will be eligible to apply GCAA for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License in categories A1 or A3. Students seeking a Certificate of Recognition, must complete AVT 2806 Work Placement in Aviation in an actual maintenance working environment and the duration shouldn’t be less than 300 hours.

Program Goal

The Program Educational Objectives of the Diploma in Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology: Airframe and
Aeroengines program are to:

  1. Provide aviation graduates with the technical knowledge and skills required by the aviation industry to maintain a variety of aircraft systems to the highest standards.
  2. Prepare graduates for a successful career with strong communication and teamwork skills and an understanding of the global, ethical and social implications of the aviation industry.
  3. Prepare graduates with a strong commitment to lifelong learning, continuing education and professional growth.
  4. Provide graduates the commitment to contribute actively to achieving the regulatory authorities’ mission.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, a HCT graduate in Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology (Airframe and Aeroengines) program should demonstrate:

a. An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to identify, explain, formulate and solve well‐defined engineering problems appropriate to the aviation maintenance and in accordance with regulations and manufacturer's instructions.  

b. An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for well‐defined engineering problems related to Aviation Engineering Technology.

c. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well‐defined technical and non‐technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature, computer software, information and communication technologies at a level required for basic aviation maintenance.

d. An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, experiments and practical activities and to analyze and interpret the results.

e. An ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.

Completion Requirements

Diploma in Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology: Airframe and Aeroengines

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 74 credits, including:

Core Courses59
Mathematics and Science Courses3
General Studies course12
Total Credit Hours74
Note : Work placement I is 8 weeks. HCT will use its best endeavors to provide work placement opportunities.However, HCT is not able to guarantee work-placement positions.
Students requiring a Certificate of Recognition (COR) at the completion of the program will be required to complete approximately 300 hours of the above-mentioned Work Placement in an “actual maintenance working environment"
Core Courses
Required Credits: 59
AVT 1003Aviation Mathematics and Physics3
AVT 2003Gas Turbine Engine3
AVT 2013Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems3
AVT 2103DC Electrical Fundamentals3
AVT 2113AC Electrical Fundamentals and Electrical Machines3
AVT 2203Workshop Practices and Safety3
AVT 2213Aircraft Materials3
AVT 2223Aircraft Hardware3
AVT 2233Maintenance Procedures and Abnormal Events3
AVT 2243Electrical Wiring Standards and Practices3
AVT 2303Aircraft Fundamentals and Basic Aerodynamics3
AVT 2806Work Placement I for Aviation6
AVT 2902Sophomore Design Project2
AVT 3113Digital Techniques Electronic Instrument Systems3
AVT 3203Maintenance Practices Workshop3
AVT 3403Human Factors3
AVT 3413Aviation Legislation3
AVT 3733Propeller3
EGN 1133Design Thinking in Technology3
Mathematics and Science Courses
Required Credits: 3
MTH 1203Calculus I3
General Studies Courses
Required Credits :12
English, Arabic or other Languages
Required Credits: 6
LSC 1103 and AES 1013
Humanities or Arts
Required Credits:
Information Technology and Mathematics
Required Credits:
The Natural Sciences
Required Credits: 3
PHY 1103
The Social or Behavioral Sciences
Required Credits: 3
LSS 1003
Description Data
Total Required Credits 74
Maximum Duration of Study 3 years
Minimum Duration of Study 2 years
Cost Recovery Program No
Program Code DAVET
Major Code AVE

Recommended Sequence of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
AVT 1003 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 3
AVT 2303 Aircraft Fundamentals and Basic Aerodynamics 3
EGN 1133 Design Thinking in Technology 3
MTH 1203 Calculus I 3
PHY 1103 Physics of Mechanics and Motion 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 2
LSS 1003 Life and Future Skills 3
AVT 2103 DC Electrical Fundamentals 3
AVT 2113 AC Electrical Fundamentals and Electrical Machines 3
AVT 3403 Human Factors 3
AVT 3413 Aviation Legislation 3
 Credit Hours15
AVT 2203 Workshop Practices and Safety 3
LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication 3
 Credit Hours6
Year 2
Semester 3
AES 1013 Arabic Communications 3
AVT 2213 Aircraft Materials 3
AVT 2223 Aircraft Hardware 3
AVT 2233 Maintenance Procedures and Abnormal Events 3
AVT 2243 Electrical Wiring Standards and Practices 3
AVT 2902 Sophomore Design Project 2
 Credit Hours17
Semester 4
AVT 2003 Gas Turbine Engine 3
AVT 2013 Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems * 3
AVT 3203 Maintenance Practices Workshop 3
AVT 3113 Digital Techniques Electronic Instrument Systems 3
AVT 3733 Propeller 3
 Credit Hours15
AVT 2806 Work Placement I for Aviation * 6
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours74

* In case some the students aim Category A3 Helicopters with Turbine Engine, instead of this course AVT 2023 Helicopter Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems will be offered.