Emergency Medical Services

Admission to Program

Admission to the program is explained in the HCT Admission Policy described in the Academic Policies section of this Catalog.

Program Mission

The Department of Emergency Medical Services is committed to training the next generation of UAE nationals to the highest international standards of emergency medical care. With an emphasis on evidence based medicine, learning by doing and the latest educational technology, we strive to meet the needs of the community and our sponsors to have UAE nationals trained to provide emergency care to the critically ill or injured in the United Arab Emirates

Program Description

The Bachelor of  Emergency Medical Services program is a four-year post-Foundations program preparing graduates for emergency medical care professional practice. In the first two program years students develop an extensive knowledge of health sciences, communication, terminology and emergency medical care up to an intermediate life support level. The final two years of the program develop students’ skills to advanced life support levels which include diagnostic, clinical judgment, research, quality and leadership. The program promotes the development of analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, professional ethics, social responsibility, professional citizenship, the ability to adapt to change and respond to challenges in the prehospital and inhospital emergency settings, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

Students are eligible for a one year Work Experiential Learning experience during their study.

Program Goals

  1. Prepare competent, professional and autonomous pre-hospital emergency care providers equipped to provide quality and advanced life-support care to all critically ill or injured patients following the national and international EMS standards of care.  
  2. Educate the EMS graduates on the knowledge and skills to be compassionate and effective communicators and able to utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills when providing pre-hospital emergency care.
  3. Prepare the EMS graduates with effective leadership and team work skills to work within an interdisciplinary healthcare team and foster the growth and development of the EMS in the UAE. 
  4. Foster excellence and professional development through reflective practitioners and life-long learning for the current and future EMS practice. 
  5. Prepare the EMS students as advanced life-support practitioners who contribute to the expansion, innovation and entrepreneurship in EMS professional practice and careers. 
  6. Prepare the EMS graduates to be collaborative and innovative through evidence-based practices and scholarly activities. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Emergency Medical Services 

On successful completion of this program the graduate will be able to:

  1. Use an evidence based approach to provide internationally aligned best practice with safe, responsible and quality patient care in the pre-hospital setting.
  2. Apply knowledge, psychomotor skills and technology through simulation and skills based training to make ethical  autonomous decisions and deliver quality care in accordance with Advanced Paramedic Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). 
  3. Demonstrate effective communication, respect, integrity and accountability to manage emergency medical situations for all patient populations.
  4. Apply critical thinking without guidance, to analyse medical emergency situations and investigate medical innovations to deliver the best quality medical care in the pre-hospital environment.
  5. Demonstrate competency in technical leadership skills, to be able to lead, advocate and work collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team.
  6. Use lifelong learning as a reflective practitioner in order to modify practice and enhance the pre-hospital emergency medical care profession.
  7. Apply entrepreneurship and innovation skills to identify and contribute to potential solutions for emerging complex healthcare challenges in the pre-hospital setting.

Completion Requirements

Bachelor of Emergency Medical Services

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 138 credits as follows:

Health Science Core Courses24
Emergency Medical Services Core Courses54
Emergency Medical Services Preceptorship Courses27
General Studies33
Total Credit Hours138
Health Science Core Courses
Required Credits: 24
HSC 1023Chemistry for Health Sciences3
HSC 1033Anatomy and Physiology3
HSC 1113Introduction to Healthcare Systems and Professional Practice3
HSC 1123Work Health and Safety3
HSC 1803Medical Terminology for Health Sciences3
HSC 4003Research Methods for Health Sciences3
HSC 4006Capstone Research Project for Health Sciences6
Emergency Medical Services Core Courses
Required Credits: 54
HEM 1103EMT-Basic3
HEM 2015Medical Emergencies5
HEM 2024Trauma Emergencies4
HEM 2033EMS Applied Pharmacology I3
HEM 2103Foundations of Professional Practice3
HEM 2123Obstetric, Gynecology, Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies3
HEM 3006Advanced Prehospital Emergency Care I6
HEM 3013EMS Applied Pharmacology II3
HEM 3106Advanced Prehospital Emergency Care II6
HEM 3113Primary Health Care3
HEM 4006Advanced Obstetric, Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies6
HEM 4013Leadership in Professional Practice3
HEM 4106Prehospital Critical Care and Transport6
Emergency Medical Services Preceptorship Courses
Required Credits: 27
HEM 2903Ambulance Practicum I3
HEM 2913Hospital Practicum I3
HEM 2923Ambulance Practicum II3
HEM 3903Ambulance Practicum III3
HEM 3913Hospital Practicum II3
HEM 3923Responder Practicum I3
HEM 4903Hospital Practicum III3
HEM 4913Responder Practicum II3
HEM 4923Responder Practicum III3
General Studies
Required Credits: 33
English, Arabic or other Languages
Required Credits: 12
Humanities or Art
Required Credits: 3
Information Technology or Mathematics
Required Credits: 6
The Natural Sciences
Required Credits: 3
The Social or Behavioral Sciences
Required Credits: 9
Description Data
Total Required Credits 138
Maximum Duration of Study 6 years
Minimum Duration of Study 4 years
Cost Recovery Program No
Program Code BHEMU
Major Code HEM

Recommended Sequence of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
HSC 1013 Human Biology 3
HSC 1113 Introduction to Healthcare Systems and Professional Practice 3
HSC 1803 Medical Terminology for Health Sciences 3
LSM 1113 Statistical Mathematics 3
LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 2
AES 1003 Emirati Studies 3
HSC 1033 Anatomy and Physiology 3
HSC 1123 Work Health and Safety 3
HEM 1103 EMT-Basic 3
HEM 2103 Foundations of Professional Practice 3
 Credit Hours15
HSC 1023 Chemistry for Health Sciences 3
AES 1033 Islamic Culture 3
 Credit Hours6
Year 2
Semester 3
HEM 2015 Medical Emergencies 5
HEM 2024 Trauma Emergencies 4
HEM 2033 EMS Applied Pharmacology I 3
HEM 2903 Ambulance Practicum I 3
LSS 1123 Basic Research Methods 3
 Credit Hours18
Semester 4
HEM 2913 Hospital Practicum I 3
AES 1013 Arabic Communications 3
LSS 1003 Life and Future Skills 3
HEM 2123 Obstetric, Gynecology, Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies 3
 Credit Hours12
HEM 2923 Ambulance Practicum II 3
 Credit Hours3
Year 3
Semester 5
BUS 2403 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
HEM 3006 Advanced Prehospital Emergency Care I 6
HEM 3013 EMS Applied Pharmacology II 3
HEM 3903 Ambulance Practicum III 3
ICT 2013 Computational Thinking and Coding 3
 Credit Hours18
Semester 6
HEM 3106 Advanced Prehospital Emergency Care II 6
HEM 3113 Primary Health Care 3
HEM 3913 Hospital Practicum II 3
LSC 2193 Applied Skills Capstone 3
 Credit Hours15
HEM 3923 Responder Practicum I 3
 Credit Hours3
Year 4
Semester 7
HEM 4006 Advanced Obstetric, Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies 6
HEM 4013 Leadership in Professional Practice 3
HEM 4903 Hospital Practicum III 3
HSC 4003 Research Methods for Health Sciences 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 8
HEM 4106 Prehospital Critical Care and Transport 6
HEM 4913 Responder Practicum II 3
HSC 4006 Capstone Research Project for Health Sciences 6
 Credit Hours15
HEM 4923 Responder Practicum III 3
 Credit Hours3
 Total Credit Hours138

Anneke Jackson, B-Tech (Emergency Medical Care), Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Aruna Ramisetti, MSc (Public Health), University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Binyamien Kariem, B-Tech (Emergency Medical Care), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Domenic Malinga, MSc (Emergency Medicine), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Ibraheem Abusaqri, MSc (Paramedical Science), University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia

Jared McDowal, MSc (Emergency Medicine), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Jani Mothibi, Masters (Health Professions Education), University of the Free State, South Africa

John Adams, B-Tech (Emergency Medical Care), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Kevin Breitsprecher, MSc (Advanced Clinical Practice), University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Mazoon Rashed Ali, Masters (Public Health), Hamdan Bin Mohammad Smart University, United Arab Emirates

Nabil Hathiyani, Bachelor (Paramedical Science), University of Toronto, Canada

Nadine Seymour, MPhil (Emergency Medicine), University of Cape Town, South Africa

Nathan Conradie, MPhil (Emergency Medicine), University of Cape Town, South Africa

Rawan Abu Jneineh, BSc (Paramedic Science), Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Samar Abdulkhalek, PhD (Immunology), Queens University, Canada

Shameeg Jacobs, B-Tech (Emergency Medical Care), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Sunil Sookraj, B-Tech (Emergency Medical Care & Rescue), Durban University of Technology, South Africa