Learning Resources


The HCT library offers comprehensive services to support the academic needs of students, faculty, and staff by providing access to electronic and print resources, including scholarly journals, eBooks, and media collections. The library serves as a hub for academic enrichment, offering workshops and tutorials to enhance students' research and study skills. Library staff are available to assist the HCT community with reference services, academic research support and information literacy sessions. Information literacy classes are designed to develop users' critical thinking skills, enabling them to evaluate and utilize information effectively.

The library collection includes 859,921 e-books, 309,183 e-journals, 110 databases, 15,517 videos, and 202,726 print materials, all readily accessible to our students, faculty, and staff through the Library webpage. The online library resources are accessible on and off-campus, thoughtfully organized in A-Z lists and subject guides for easy navigation. Moreover, the innovative single search platform seamlessly integrates digital and physical resources, enhancing the discoverability of valuable information for the academic community. The HCT library is a dynamic environment that empowers users with the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success and lifelong learning.

eTextbooks, Instructional Software and Laboratory Materials

HCT is committed to being the pre-eminent technology-supported higher education institution in the UAE.  Students are provided with digital resources appropriate to their program and year of study that support learning in and out of the classroom consistent with the Mission and Goals of HCT.

These resources may include:

  • eTextbooks and other interactive electronic resources as selected by the teaching faculty,
  • Engaging learning technology tools,
  • Discipline specific instructional software; and
  • Equipment and tools required for laboratory and other practical instruction including discipline-specific clothing/uniforms, hard hats, protective boots, etc.

Internet Resources and Services

Provision of access to Internet resources and services is intended to support the need for HCT students to develop the computer and information- seeking skills that are essential for the workplace and for lifelong learning.

Students are expected to equip themselves with tablet computers and/or laptops required to support their learning.

The HCT Internet access and electronic mail services are provided under the authority of the Chancellor and the President  & CEO of the HCT in accordance with federal laws and regulations governing the use of these services. Users of the Internet are governed by the HCT Internet Access and Electronic Mail Policy.

Enterprise Systems

Teaching and Learning

HCT Enterprise Teaching and Learning Systems are designed to provide students and faculty members with state of the art technologies to support different instructional modalities, and allow users to enjoy a wide variety of options, including a learning management system, a content management system, a virtual classroom, mobile access, and assessment system. 

Academic Support

HCT Enterprise academic systems are also designed to provide students with real-time registration, advising, degree audit, and other key support functions.