Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Aeroplane Turbine)

Recognized by NQC UAE National Qualification Code: ENG06015NQ24

Program Description

The Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Engineering Technology (Aeromechanics) aims to impart knowledge and skills to the students who wish to obtain CAR 66 B1 or CAR 66 A Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Licence from the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority. This qualification will provide learners with a comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for all the subjects of aircraft maintenance in mechanical and electrical disciplines to build a career in the aviation industry or any other research or training organisation.

The Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Aeroplane Turbine) is structured to provide the foundational knowledge and specific skills required to meet the demands of modern aircraft maintenance industries. This qualification covers the essential knowledge and skills needed for the GCAA Category B1.1 and Category A license. 
The duration of the program has been mapped against GCAA CAR 147 requirements and the units have been mapped against GCAA CAR 66 syllabus requirements. This qualification also satisfies NQC in terms of topics covered, assessment methods and procedures.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, the graduates will be able to:

  1. Apply mathematics, science, and applied sciences to aircraft engineering technology
  2. Analyse and interpret aircraft engineering technology data
  3. Work effectively on multi-disciplinary and diverse teams
  4. Make professional and ethical decisions
  5. Communicate effectively, using both written and oral communication skills
  6. Engage in and recognize the need for life-long learning
  7. Assess contemporary aircraft engineering technology issues
  8. Use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice
  9. Assess the national and international aviation environment
  10. Apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving aircraft engineering technology problems
  11. Apply knowledge of business sustainability to aircraft engineering technology issues

Completion Requirements

Learners must complete all the core and stream units to meet the minimum credit requirements for the advanced diploma. After earning the advanced diploma and gaining the required experience as specified in CAR 66, learners may apply to the GCAA for a B1.1 or A category license.

ACT 140Apply and solve problems in mathematics for aircraft maintenance4
ACT 109Demonstrate knowledge of physics fundamentals - Part 13
ACT 110Demonstrate knowledge of physics fundamentals - Part 23
ACT 111Demonstrate knowledge of electrical fundamentals - Part 14
ACT 112Apply Principles of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 12
ACT 113Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 14
ACT 114Apply skills of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 12
ACT 117Demonstrate understanding of human factors in aviation industry 4
ACT 204Demonstrate knowledge on applications of aerodynamic principles3
ACT 205Apply aerodynamic principles for aircraft maintenance1
ACT 206Demonstrate Knowledge of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 24
ACT 207Apply Principles of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 23
ACT 208Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 23
ACT 209Apply Skills of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 22
ACT 115Demonstrate knowledge of electronic fundamentals3
ACT 116Apply principles of electronic fundamentals2
ACT 210Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft materials and hardware - Part 14
ACT 211Apply skills on using aircraft materials and hardware2
ACT 212Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft materials and hardware - Part 24
ACT 243Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 34
ACT 244Develop Knowledge of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 44
ACT 245Apply Skills of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 32
ACT 246Demonstrate Knowledge of Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Propeller2
ACT 247Apply Skills on Maintaining Propeller1
ACT 240Demonstrate knowledge of digital techniques and electronic instrument systems - Part 13
ACT 241Demonstrate knowledge of digital techniques and electronic instrument systems - Part 23
ACT 242Apply Principles of Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems2
ACT 248Demonstrate Understanding of the GCAA Aviation Legislation4
ACT 249Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 14
ACT 250Demonstrate knowledge of aeroplane aerodynamics, structures and systems - Part 24
ACT 251Apply Skills on Maintenance of Aeroplane Structures and Systems - Part 12
ACT 252Apply skills on maintenance of aeroplane structures and systems - Part 22
ACT 303Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 34
ACT 304Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 44
ACT 305Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 54
ACT 306Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 14
ACT 307Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 24
ACT 308Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 34
ACT 309Apply Gas Turbine Engine Principles2
ACT 330Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 12
ACT 331Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 22
ACT 332Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 32
ACT 333Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 42
ACT 334Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 52
ACT 341Apply Skills on Maintenance of Aeroplane Structures and Systems - Part 32

Recommended Sequence of Study

Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Engineering Technology (Aeromechanics) 

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
ACT 140 Apply and solve problems in mathematics for aircraft maintenance 4
ACT 109 Demonstrate knowledge of physics fundamentals - Part 1 3
ACT 110 Demonstrate knowledge of physics fundamentals - Part 2 3
ACT 111 Demonstrate knowledge of electrical fundamentals - Part 1 4
ACT 112 Apply Principles of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 1 2
ACT 113 Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 1 4
ACT 114 Apply skills of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 1 2
 Credit Hours22
Semester 2
ACT 117 Demonstrate understanding of human factors in aviation industry 4
ACT 204 Demonstrate knowledge on applications of aerodynamic principles 3
ACT 205 Apply aerodynamic principles for aircraft maintenance 1
ACT 206 Demonstrate Knowledge of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 2 4
ACT 207 Apply Principles of Electrical Fundamentals - Part 2 3
ACT 208 Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 2 3
ACT 209 Apply Skills of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 2 2
ACT 115 Demonstrate knowledge of electronic fundamentals 3
ACT 116 Apply principles of electronic fundamentals 2
 Credit Hours25
Year 2
Semester 3
ACT 210 Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft materials and hardware - Part 1 4
ACT 211 Apply skills on using aircraft materials and hardware 2
ACT 212 Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft materials and hardware - Part 2 4
ACT 243 Develop knowledge of aircraft maintenance practices - Part 3 4
ACT 244 Develop Knowledge of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 4 4
ACT 245 Apply Skills of Aircraft Maintenance Practices - Part 3 2
ACT 246 Demonstrate Knowledge of Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Propeller 2
ACT 247 Apply Skills on Maintaining Propeller 1
 Credit Hours23
Semester 4
ACT 240 Demonstrate knowledge of digital techniques and electronic instrument systems - Part 1 3
ACT 241 Demonstrate knowledge of digital techniques and electronic instrument systems - Part 2 3
ACT 242 Apply Principles of Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems 2
ACT 248 Demonstrate Understanding of the GCAA Aviation Legislation 4
ACT 249 Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 1 4
ACT 250 Demonstrate knowledge of aeroplane aerodynamics, structures and systems - Part 2 4
ACT 251 Apply Skills on Maintenance of Aeroplane Structures and Systems - Part 1 2
ACT 252 Apply skills on maintenance of aeroplane structures and systems - Part 2 2
 Credit Hours24
Year 3
Semester 5
ACT 303 Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 3 4
ACT 304 Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 4 4
ACT 305 Demonstrate Knowledge of Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems - Part 5 4
ACT 306 Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 1 4
ACT 307 Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 2 4
ACT 308 Demonstrate Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Principles - Part 3 4
ACT 309 Apply Gas Turbine Engine Principles 2
 Credit Hours26
Semester 6
ACT 330 Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 1 2
ACT 331 Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 2 2
ACT 332 Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 3 2
ACT 333 Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 4 2
ACT 334 Perform Practical Aircraft Experience (On-Job-Experience-OJE) - Part 5 2
ACT 341 Apply Skills on Maintenance of Aeroplane Structures and Systems - Part 3 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours132