Level 5 Diploma in Electrical Technology

Recognized NQC UAE National Qualification; Code: ENG05001NQ17

Program Description

The Level 5 Diploma in Electrical Technology program aims to provide learners with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to fit, adjust, install and repair electrical machinery and other electrical apparatus and equipment in buildings, factories, workshops or other places.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, the graduates will be able to:

  1. Commission and maintain electrical equipment
  2. Diagnose, test and repair electrical equipment
  3. Provide technical assistance
  4. Read and prepare electrical diagrams
  5. Comply with safety regulations and work effectively with others

Occupation and Industry Sector

Completion Requirements

Students seeking the Level 5 Diploma in Industrial and Manufacturing Technology qualification degree must successfully complete all mandatory core courses worth 90 credits.

Mandatory core unit credits16
Electrical stream credits (level 4)16
Electrical stream credits (level 5)23
Electrical optional credits (level 4)11
Electrical optional credits (level 5)24
Total Credits90
Electrical Stream Courses
Required Credits : 39
ECT 101Explore AC electrical circuits4
ECT 120Explore combination logics3
ECT 121Explore electronics4
ECT 122Maintain electrical circuits and systems3
ECT 123Apply DC and AC machines in engineering2
ECT 124Write programs using C++3
ECT 220Test and maintain electrical transformers3
ECT 221Create printed circuit boards2
ECT 222Analyse Electrical Machines4
ECT 223Explore simulations of electrical circuits2
ECT 224Terminate and connect low voltage electrical cables3
ECT 225Demonstrate AC and DC principles in electronic circuits3
MCT 111Select instruments and sensors for measurement3
Electrical Mandatory Core Courses
Required credits : 16
MCT 200Interpret and document technical information2
MCT 201Apply engineering technology to real or simulated situations to produce technical solutions4
MCT 230Perform practical training and support in electromechanical based industries10
Electrical Optional Courses
Required credits : 35
ECT 212Explore the knowledge and skills of codes and standards in electrical engineering2
ECT 100Create Simple Software Programs4
GED 100Develop English language skills3
HSE 100Explore Health, Safety and Environment at Workplace2
MCT 100Perform basic machining 4
MCT 110Interpret and Prepare Technical Drawings 3
MAT 210Apply fundamental concepts and skills in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry (SCI05071NU21)4
ECT 211Develop leadership skills in work environment2
MCT 120Solve problems in work and energy5
MCT 216Develop knowledge of work organization and management2
ECT 210Illustrate the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)4
Description Data
Total Required Credits 90
Program Code DPELT
Major Code EET

Recommended Sequence of Study

Level 5 Diploma in Electrical Technology

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
ECT 100 Create Simple Software Programs 4
GED 100 Develop English language skills 3
HSE 100 Explore Health, Safety and Environment at Workplace 2
MAT 210 Apply fundamental concepts and skills in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry (SCI05071NU21) 4
MCT 100 Perform basic machining 4
MCT 110 Interpret and Prepare Technical Drawings 3
 Credit Hours20
Semester 2
ECT 121 Explore electronics 4
ECT 122 Maintain electrical circuits and systems 3
ECT 124 Write programs using C++ 3
ECT 211 Develop leadership skills in work environment 2
ECT 212 Explore the knowledge and skills of codes and standards in electrical engineering 2
ECT 225 Demonstrate AC and DC principles in electronic circuits 3
MCT 111 Select instruments and sensors for measurement 3
MCT 200 Interpret and document technical information 2
 Credit Hours22
Year 2
Semester 3
ECT 101 Explore AC electrical circuits 4
ECT 120 Explore combination logics 3
ECT 123 Apply DC and AC machines in engineering 2
ECT 221 Create printed circuit boards 2
ECT 224 Terminate and connect low voltage electrical cables 3
MCT 120 Solve problems in work and energy 5
MCT 201 Apply engineering technology to real or simulated situations to produce technical solutions 4
 Credit Hours23
Semester 4
ECT 210 Illustrate the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 4
ECT 220 Test and maintain electrical transformers 3
ECT 222 Analyse Electrical Machines 4
ECT 223 Explore simulations of electrical circuits 2
MCT 216 Develop knowledge of work organization and management 2
MCT 230 Perform practical training and support in electromechanical based industries 10
 Credit Hours25
 Total Credit Hours90