Mechanical Engineering Technology: Diploma

Program Mission

The program provides an excellent broad education with a focused area of specialization options to cater for the global UAE industry. Mechanical engineering technology graduates are trained to support the design, development, and maintenance of mechanical, static as well as rotating equipment. The program also teaches them to develop effective energy solutions, and manufacture and maintain state of the art equipment. HCT Mechanical Engineers are trained to use state of the art software and hardware to rapidly prototype and test potential product design, computerized testing and measurements, and computer
control of machinery.

Program Goal

The Program Educational Objectives of the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology program are to:
1. Provide Mechanical Engineering professionals who are equipped with the technical knowledge and skills required by the industry to maintain mechanical systems to highest level of industry standards.
2. Prepare graduates for a successful career with strong communication and teamwork skills and an understanding of the global, ethical and social implications of the industry and Mechanical Engineering profession.
3. Provide graduates with strong commitment to lifelong learning, continuing education, and professional growth.
4. Provide graduates with the commitment to contribute actively to achieving the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, a HCT graduate in Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology should demonstrate:

  1. An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the Mechanical Engineering Technology.
  2. An ability to design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the engineering design of systems, components, or processes appropriate to the Mechanical Engineering Technology.
  3. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  4. An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results.
  5. An ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.

Completion Requirements

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology 

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 73 credits, including:

Program Core Courses43
Mathematics and Science Courses12
General Studies course18
Total Credit Hours73
Mechanical Engineering Core Courses
Required Credits: 43
EGN 1001Engineering Workshop1
EGN 1133Design Thinking in Technology3
EGN 2712Applied Programing for Engineers2
EGN 2806Work Placement I6
ELE 2153Electrical Eng Fundamentals3
MCE 2203Applied Statics3
MCE 2213Mechanics of Materials3
MCE 2223Applied Dynamics3
MCE 2303Material Selection and Testing3
MCE 2311Solid Modelling1
MCE 2323Manufacturing Technology I3
MCE 2403Thermodynamics3
MCE 2903Sophomore Design Project3
MCE 3343Industrial Plant Maintenance3
MCE 3613Fluid Power3
Mathematics and Science Courses
Required Credits: 12
CHM 1103Engineering Chemistry3
MTH 1203Calculus I3
MTH 2103Calculus II3
PHY 1203Physics of Electricity and Magnetism3
General Studies
Required Credits: 18
English, Arabic or other Languages
Required Credits: 6
LSC 1103 and AES 1013
Information Technology and Mathematics
Required Credits: 6
ICT 2013 and MTH 1113
The Natural Sciences
Required Credits: 3
PHY 1103
The Social or Behavioral Sciences
Required Credits: 3
LSS 1003
Description Data
Total Required Credits 73
Maximum Duration of Study 3 years
Minimum Duration of Study 2 years
Cost Recovery Program No
Program Code DMCET
Major Code MCE

Recommended Sequence of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
AES 1013 Arabic Communications 3
EGN 1001 Engineering Workshop 1
EGN 1133 Design Thinking in Technology 3
LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication 3
LSS 1003 Life and Future Skills 3
PHY 1103 Physics of Mechanics and Motion 3
 Credit Hours16
Semester 2
CHM 1103 Engineering Chemistry 3
ICT 2013 Computational Thinking and Coding 3
MTH 1113 Statistics for Engineering 3
MTH 1203 Calculus I 3
PHY 1203 Physics of Electricity and Magnetism 3
 Credit Hours15
MCE 2303 Material Selection and Testing 3
MTH 2103 Calculus II 3
 Credit Hours6
Year 2
Semester 3
EGN 2712 Applied Programing for Engineers 2
ELE 2153 Electrical Eng Fundamentals 3
MCE 2203 Applied Statics 3
MCE 2311 Solid Modelling 1
MCE 2323 Manufacturing Technology I 3
MCE 2403 Thermodynamics 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 4
MCE 2213 Mechanics of Materials 3
MCE 2223 Applied Dynamics 3
MCE 2903 Sophomore Design Project 3
MCE 3343 Industrial Plant Maintenance 3
MCE 3613 Fluid Power 3
 Credit Hours15
EGN 2806 Work Placement I 6
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours73