Bachelor of Nursing

Admission to Program

Admission to the program is explained in the HCT Admission Policy described in the Academic Policies section of this Catalog.

Program Mission

The Bachelor of Nursing program aims to equip UAE National graduates with the knowledge, skills, and competencies aligned with national and international nursing standards to deliver safe, quality care and optimize health for individuals, families, and communities. Through a competency-based education model, graduates will develop the practical skills and clinical expertise necessary to meet industry expectations and excel in their nursing careers. Upon completion of the program, UAE National graduates will be well-prepared for employment opportunities and ready to contribute effectively to the healthcare sector.

Program Description

The Bachelor of Nursing program is a four-year, post-foundation, 120-credit program designed to prepare students for entry into professional practice as generalist nurses through a competency-based education model. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge in nursing, human and behavioral sciences, and essential skills in investigation, management, and communication, all crucial for competent and safe practice as a professional registered nurse. The program covers a comprehensive range of fields, including acute and chronic medical/surgical nursing, maternal and newborn health, child and adolescent health, mental health, care for patients with complex and high-dependency health needs, and community health. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge, the program emphasizes the development of employability skills essential for the healthcare industry. It integrates industry-linked clinical experiences and apprenticeship models, providing students with extensive, supervised professional clinical education in selected and relevant healthcare settings. This approach ensures that graduates are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the practical skills and industry experience needed to excel in their nursing careers and meet the evolving demands of the healthcare sector.


Program Goals

  1. Educate the baccalaureate nursing students the knowledge, skills and competencies that meet national and international nursing standards to deliver safe, quality care and optimize health for individuals, families and communities.
  2. Cultivate an educational environment of compassion, endurance, competence, excellence, innovation, creativity, collaboration, and professional development with integration of industry-linked clinical experiences and apprenticeship.
  3. Prepare baccalaureate nursing students with leadership qualities across various healthcare settings, emphasizing competency-based practice and applied education.
  4. Equip baccalaureate nursing students to meet national and international healthcare industry expectations for high quality of care and outcomes through certification, licensure, and other professional requirements, focusing on employability skills and practical competencies.
  5. Contribute to and promote excellence in scholarly activities and evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare fields.
  6. Foster excellence in nursing education through the integration of the latest technological innovations and competency-based education.
  7. Promote students-faculty interaction and involvement in health promotion and education activities for individuals, families and communities. 
  8. Enhance employability and career readiness by embedding employability skills and practical industry experiences throughout the curriculum.

Program Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this program the graduate will be able to:

  1. Develop and apply a range of knowledge and relevant principles from the nursing, allied health, behavioral sciences, evidence-based practice and other relevant sources to provide quality healthcare services for patient, family, and community in variety of healthcare settings. 
  2. Provide holistic, safe, quality, culturally appropriate, person-centered care to patients, families, groups, and communities through effective utilization of the nursing process framework and supported by evidence-based clinical practice in a variety of healthcare settings, integrating competency-based approaches. 
  3. Communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, with patients, families, and members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, including the use of informatics and healthcare technologies to provide and coordinate holistic, safe, quality, and person-centered care in a variety of healthcare settings, with an emphasis on employability skills.
  4. Utilize scientific and evidence-based knowledge regarding alteration and changes in healthcare needs of patients, families, groups, and community to generate solutions and manage projects which promote, maintain and sustain person-centered care and professional nursing practice, highlighting practical competencies and industry-linked experiences.
  5. Apply professional nursing competencies, decision making skills, and technical leadership attributes to work independently as well as part of an interdisciplinary healthcare team to formulate creative and innovative solutions that contribute to high-quality care in a variety of healthcare settings, fostering applied learning and industry readiness.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to comprehend multiple perspectives through professional nursing attributes to formulate effective innovative solutions and actions to improve and promote the quality of nursing profession and practice.
  7. Integrate knowledge and skills in leadership, safety, nursing management, and quality improvement in the delivery of quality healthcare for patients, families, and communities in a variety of healthcare settings while contributing to the sustainable development of the healthcare system, aligning with competency and applied learning models. 
  8. Demonstrate professional commitment to the nursing profession and demonstrate moral, legal and ethical accountability that acknowledge human diversity, influence professional practice and meet regulatory and professional standards nationally and internationally.
  9. Engage in inter-professional partnership and development in different healthcare contexts and assimilate new knowledge and skills into nursing practice to generate solutions and guide actions which promote, maintain and sustain person-centered care and professional nursing practice, integrating industry-linked clinical experiences and apprenticeship models.
  10. Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to healthcare technology, informatics, digital health, and technology-based patient care to provide safe and quality healthcare services for patients, families, and communities in a variety of healthcare settings, emphasizing the use of technological innovations and practical competencies.

Completion Requirements

Bachelor of Nursing

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits as follows:

Nursing Core Courses 71
Nursing Clinical Courses27
Nursing Elective-Theory2
Nursing Electives-Clinical 2
General Studies18
Total Credits120


To qualify for a Bachelor’s degree in nursing a student is required to:

  • Successfully complete the required 120 credit hours specific to the program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • Complete a total of 1792 supervised clinical training hours as part of the clinical courses within the curriculum.
  • Complete 100 hours of volunteering work.
Nursing Core Courses
Required Credits: 71
HNR 1022Therapeutic Communication and Health Education Skills for Nursing Practice2
HNR 1032Psychosocial and Behavioral Aspects of Nursing Practice2
HNR 1033Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice-I3
HNR 1113Applied Biochemistry For Nursing Practice3
HNR 1133Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice-II3
HNR 1143Essentials of Applied Microbiology 3
HNR 2301Fundamental Nursing Skills Lab1
HNR 2303Fundamentals of Nursing Practice-Theory3
HNR 2312Physical Examination and Assessment-Theory2
HNR 2321Physical Examination and Assessment-Lab 1
HNR 2323Principles of Pathophysiology3
HNR 2333Principles of Applied Pharmacology3
HNR 2403Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Theory3
HNR 2411Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Lab1
HNR 2423Ethics and Law in Nursing Practice3
HNR 2432Research Methods and Biostatistics for Nurses2
HNR 3501Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Lab1
HNR 3502Nursing Informatics and Technology in Healthcare2
HNR 3503Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Theory3
HNR 3511Maternity Nursing Care-Lab1
HNR 3513Maternity Nursing Care-Theory3
HNR 3613Mental and Psychiatric Nursing Care-Theory3
HNR 3621Pediatric Nursing Care-Lab1
HNR 3623Nursing Management and Leadership3
HNR 3633Pediatric Nursing Care-Theory3
HNR 4703Capstone Research Project for Nursing-I3
HNR 4713Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Theory3
HNR 4721Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Lab1
HNR 4723Public Health and Community Nursing-Theory3
HNR 4803Capstone Research Project for Nursing-II3
Nursing Clinical Courses
Required Credits : 27
HNR 2413Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Clinical3
HNR 3504Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Clinical4
HNR 3523Maternity Nursing Care-Clinical3
HNR 3622Mental and Psychiatric Nursing Care-Clinical2
HNR 3643Pediatric Nursing Care-Clinical3
HNR 4714Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Clinical4
HNR 4722Public Health and Community Nursing-Clinical2
HNR 4806Intensive Nursing Clinical Internship6
Nursing Elective - Theory
Required Credits: 2
HNR 2602Applied Nutrition2
HNR 3612Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness2
HNR 2622Fundamentals of Epidemiology2
HNR 3632e-Health and Digital Nursing 2
HNR 3642Health Promotion2
Nursing Elective - Clinical
Required Credits: 2
HNR 4602Gerontology Nursing-Clinical2
HNR 4612Neonatal Critical Nursing Care-Clinical2
HNR 4622Perioperative & Cardiothoracic Nursing-Clinical2
HNR 4632Infectious Disease Nursing-Clinical2
General Studies
Required Credits: 18
AES 1003Emirati Studies3
CIS 2603Artificial Intelligence Foundations3
HNR 2433Introduction to Sustainability, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Nursing Healthcare3
LSC 1103Professional Written Communication3
LSC 1503Professional Spoken Communication3
LSS 1003Life and Future Skills3
Description Data
Total Required Credits 120
Maximum Duration of Study 6 years
Minimum Duration of Study 4 years
Cost Recovery Program No
Program Code BHNRU
Major Code HNR

Recommended Sequence of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
HNR 1033 Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice-I 3
HNR 1032 Psychosocial and Behavioral Aspects of Nursing Practice 2
HNR 1022 Therapeutic Communication and Health Education Skills for Nursing Practice 2
LSS 1003 Life and Future Skills 3
LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication 3
 Credit Hours13
Semester 2
HNR 1133 Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice-II 3
HNR 1143 Essentials of Applied Microbiology 3
HNR 1113 Applied Biochemistry For Nursing Practice 3
CIS 2603 Artificial Intelligence Foundations 3
AES 1003 Emirati Studies 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 2
Semester 3
HNR 2303 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice-Theory 3
HNR 2312 Physical Examination and Assessment-Theory 2
HNR 2333 Principles of Applied Pharmacology 3
HNR 2323 Principles of Pathophysiology 3
HNR 2321 Physical Examination and Assessment-Lab 1
HNR 2301 Fundamental Nursing Skills Lab 1
LSC 1503 Professional Spoken Communication 3
 Credit Hours16
Semester 4
HNR 2403 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Theory 3
HNR 2423 Ethics and Law in Nursing Practice 3
HNR 2432 Research Methods and Biostatistics for Nurses 2
HNR 2413 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Clinical 3
HNR 2411 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing I-Lab 1
HNR 2433 Introduction to Sustainability, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Nursing Healthcare 3
Nursing Elective - Theory 2
 Credit Hours17
Year 3
Semester 5
HNR 3503 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Theory 3
HNR 3513 Maternity Nursing Care-Theory 3
HNR 3502 Nursing Informatics and Technology in Healthcare 2
HNR 3504 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Clinical 4
HNR 3523 Maternity Nursing Care-Clinical 3
HNR 3511 Maternity Nursing Care-Lab 1
HNR 3501 Adult Health and Medical-Surgical Nursing II-Lab 1
 Credit Hours17
Semester 6
HNR 3613 Mental and Psychiatric Nursing Care-Theory 3
HNR 3633 Pediatric Nursing Care-Theory 3
HNR 3623 Nursing Management and Leadership 3
HNR 3622 Mental and Psychiatric Nursing Care-Clinical 2
HNR 3643 Pediatric Nursing Care-Clinical 3
HNR 3621 Pediatric Nursing Care-Lab 1
 Credit Hours15
Year 4
Semester 7
HNR 4703 Capstone Research Project for Nursing-I 3
HNR 4723 Public Health and Community Nursing-Theory 3
HNR 4713 Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Theory 3
HNR 4714 Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Clinical 4
HNR 4722 Public Health and Community Nursing-Clinical 2
HNR 4721 Acute and Critical Care Nursing-Lab 1
 Credit Hours16
Semester 8
HNR 4803 Capstone Research Project for Nursing-II 3
HNR 4806 Intensive Nursing Clinical Internship 6
Nursing Elective - Clinical 2
 Credit Hours11
 Total Credit Hours120

Additional courses may be offered in each Summer Semester at the discretion of the Academic Faculty.

Yousef Aljawarneh, PhD (Nursing, Acute and Adult Care), University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA.

Saed Azizeh, Doctorate (Nursing, Mental Health), University College Cork, Ireland.

Rana Obeidat, PhD (Adult Health Nursing), University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA.

Sultan Mosleh, PhD (Nursing, Critical Care), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

Ahmad Al-Bashaireh, PhD (Nursing, Acute and Adult Care). University of Florida, USA.  

Foad Alzoughool, PhD (Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Physiology and Pathophysiology), University of Ottawa, Canada.

Tania Santina, PhD (Community Health), Université Laval, Canada.

Samantha Ismaile, PhD, (Nursing, Leadership and Administration in Nursing), Durham University, UK.

Elly Wardani, PhD (Nursing/Healthcare Systems & Leadership; Patient Safety & Quality), The University of Sheffield, UK.

Noordeen Shoqirat, PhD (Nursing, Adult Health Nursing), Queen Margaret University, UK.

Loai Abu Shahrour, PhD (Nursing, Acute and Adult Care), Griffith University, Australia.

Domam Alomari, DN (Doctor of Nursing), (Adult Health Nursing), University College Cork, Ireland.

Howieda Fouly, PhD (Nursing, Maternity, Obstetrics & Gynecology), University of Pennsylvania, USA & Assiut University, Egypt.

Evelyn Kang, PhD (Nursing Science), Griffith University, Australia. 

Elsa Jarawan, Master of Science in Nursing (Psychiatry and Mental Health), American University of Beirut, Lebanon. 

Rami Ahmad, Master of Science in Clinical Nursing, (Critical Care), University of Jordan, Jordan.