Bachelor of Marketing

Admission to Program

Admission to the program is explained in the HCT Admission Policy described in the Academic Policies section of this Catalog.

Program Mission

The Bachelor of Marketing program seeks to produce graduates able to function effectively in managerial and practitioner roles in the specialized field of Marketing. Graduates will have the skills, values and ability to utilize latest digital marketing tools to explain, analyze and evaluate complex Marketing processes in local and global contexts, while demonstrating the ability to work independently, or in teams, to think critically, solve problems and make recommendations for improvements 

Program Description

The Bachelor of Marketing program will equip the students with the latest digital marketing knowledge and skills needed in today’s globalized economy. During the program students will develop knowledge of digital marketing using the latest tools and techniques including Artificial Intelligence to inform marketing decision-making. Through the application of the knowledge gained, students will be able to develop and deploy digital marketing strategies leading to competitive advantage. All students in the program will develop a business grounding through Core Business courses before they take Marketing specialization courses. An integral part of the new program will be the enhanced apprenticeship which will see students spend a total 2 semesters in an immersive work-based environment. Alongside the apprenticeship, students will take 6 remote courses aligned to their practical work-based learning. For the development of generic communication and interpersonal skills, students will take 5 General studies courses.  

Program Goals

To produce graduates who are:

  1. Innovative and ready to assume today's Marketing Management roles, with use the foresight and adaptability to become tomorrow's industry leaders.
  2. Entrepreneurial-minded and skilled at integrating theoretical knowledge and applied learning, fostering effective problem-solving skills in Marketing Management. 
  3. Critical thinkers who can develop practical, applied Marketing solutions for real world problems leveraging technology. 
  4. Ethical decision-makers in diverse business environment with an emphasis on sustainability. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to....

  1. Apply interdisciplinary business knowledge and regulations to solve business problems 
  2. Collaborate in teams, demonstrating leadership skills and a commitment to the professional development of others.  
  3. Evaluate ethical and professional responsibilities in complex business situations, exhibiting autonomy and dedication to self-improvement.  
  4. Utilize technical creative and analytical skills to solve problems in Marketing, applying appropriate methods and research strategies for informed decision-making. 
  5. Demonstrate advanced oral and written communication skills utilizing appropriate technologies to effectively engage stakeholders. 
  6. Critically analyze consumer behavior, opportunities, and emerging trends to make informed marketing decisions within legal and professional standards. 
  7. Deploy effective digital marketing strategies across multiple platforms to execute defined marketing tasks. 
  8. Integrate innovative, ethical, environmental and sustainability concerns into marketing decision-making, whilst valuing social-cultural norms. 

Completion Requirements

Bachelor of Marketing 

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits, including:

Business Core Courses45
Marketing Specialization Courses57
General Studies18
Total Credits120

 To qualify for the bachelor's degree, a student is required to: 

  • Successfully complete the required number of credits and courses specific to the program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. 
  • Complete 100 hours of volunteering. 
  • Meet the residency requirement that a minimum of 50% of the program credit requirements have been completed at the HCT.
Business Core Courses
Required Credits : 45
ACC 1003Fundamentals of Financial Accounting3
ACC 1103Managerial Accounting3
BIS 2103Business Information Systems3
BUS 1023Applied Mathematics for Business3
BUS 3123Business Research Methods3
ECO 1003Microeconomics3
ECO 1103Macroeconomics3
FIN 2003Financial Management3
LAW 3103Business and Commercial Law3
MGT 1003Principles of Management3
MGT 1013Managing Organizational Behavior3
MGT 2113Ethics and Sustainability in Business3
MGT 3013Project Management & Business Simulation 3
MRK 1103Principles of Marketing3
STS 2003Business Statistics3
Marketing Specialization Courses
Required Credits : 57
MRK 2003Consumer Behaviour3
MRK 2113Marketing Communications3
MRK 2123Digital Marketing Essentials3
MRK 3023Marketing of Services3
MRK 3033Branding3
MRK 3123Strategic Marketing Management3
MRK 3133Managing Customer Relationships3
MRK 3616MRK Industry Project I *6
MRK 4033Digital Tools and Techniques3
MRK 4043Retail Marketing3
MRK 4053Search Engine Marketing3
MRK 4063Research for Marketing3
MRK 4073Social Media Marketing3
MRK 4133Marketing Performance Management3
MRK 4143AI in Marketing3
MRK 4213Digital Marketing Capstone Project3
MRK 4716 MRK Industry Project II *6
*Apprenticeship Courses
General Studies Courses
Required Credits : 18
AES 1003Emirati Studies3
BUS 2403Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
BUS 2503AI for Business 3
BUS 3013Data Science for Business 3
LSC 1103Professional Written Communication3
LSC 1503Professional Spoken Communication3
Description Data
Total Required Credits 120
Maximum Duration of Study 6 years
Minimum Duration of Study 4 years
Cost Recovery Program No
Program Code BUMRK
Major Code MRK

Recommended Sequence of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credit Hours
LSC 1103 Professional Written Communication 3
BUS 1023 Applied Mathematics for Business 3
ACC 1003 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 3
ECO 1003 Microeconomics 3
MGT 1003 Principles of Management 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 2
LSC 1503 Professional Spoken Communication 3
ACC 1103 Managerial Accounting 3
MGT 1013 Managing Organizational Behavior 3
ECO 1103 Macroeconomics 3
MRK 1103 Principles of Marketing 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 2
Semester 3
AES 1003 Emirati Studies 3
MRK 2003 Consumer Behaviour 3
STS 2003 Business Statistics 3
BUS 2403 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
FIN 2003 Financial Management 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 4
BUS 2503 AI for Business 3
MRK 2123 Digital Marketing Essentials 3
MRK 2113 Marketing Communications 3
MGT 2113 Ethics and Sustainability in Business 3
BIS 2103 Business Information Systems 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 3
Semester 5
BUS 3013 Data Science for Business 3
MRK 3033 Branding 3
MRK 3023 Marketing of Services 3
LAW 3103 Business and Commercial Law 3
MGT 3013 Project Management & Business Simulation 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 6
BUS 3123 Business Research Methods 3
MRK 3133 Managing Customer Relationships 3
MRK 3616 MRK Industry Project I 6
MRK 3123 Strategic Marketing Management 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 4
Semester 7
MRK 4073 Social Media Marketing 3
MRK 4063 Research for Marketing 3
MRK 4053 Search Engine Marketing 3
MRK 4043 Retail Marketing 3
MRK 4033 Digital Tools and Techniques 3
 Credit Hours15
Semester 8
MRK 4213 Digital Marketing Capstone Project 3
MRK 4143 AI in Marketing 3
MRK 4716 MRK Industry Project II 6
MRK 4133 Marketing Performance Management 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours120

Alfred Miller, PhD (E-Commerce), Northcentral University, United States 

Asmaa  Kadiou, master's degree (Marketing), ENCG, Settat, Morocco

Aya Fathy Ahmed Shaban, PhD (Marketing), The University of Reading, United Kingdom

Emad Masoud, PhD (Marketing), Amman Arab University, Jordan 

Eseroghene Udjo, PhD (Strategic Marketing), University of Natural Resources & LS, Austria 

Fatmah Mohamed Salim Al Sereidi, Masters (Human Resource Management), The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom 

Giovanna Bejjani, Master of Commerce (Marketing), University of New South Wales, Australia 

Kang Jin Seo, master's degree (Marketing), North Western University, United States

Kian Tan, Master of Commerce (Advanced Info Systems & Mgt), University of New South Wales, Australia 

Marilou Fernandez, MBA, University of the Philippines, Philippines 

Marilou Maderazo, PhD (Business Administration), Batangas State University, Philippines 

More Chinakidzwa, PhD (Marketing), University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Nana Osei-Bonsu, PhD (Economics and Business Admin), Aalto University School of Economics, Finland 

Nawar Osama Mughrabi, PhD (Education), The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Priyavrat  Sanyal, PhD (Marketing Management), Indian Institute of Mgt Indore, India

Rola Noun, MBA (Marketing), University of Leicester, United Kingdom 

Roudaina Houjeir, PhD (Marketing), University of Westminster, United Kingdom 

Sathya Sivaprakasam, PhD (Business Admin (OB/HR)), Madurai Kamaraj University, India 

Senka  Zavisic, PhD (Social Science), University of Zagreb, Croatia

Sergiy Spivakovskyy, PhD (Economic Sciences), European University, Ukraine 

Shiladitya Verma, PhD (Applied Eco & Bus Mgt), Barkatullah University, India  

Sonia  Haboub, master's degree (Marketing), Le Havre Normandy University, France

Tabani Ndlovu, PhD (Corporate Governance), Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom 

Walid Slaiby, PhD (Business & Economics with Marketing Minor), Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France 

Xuhong  Zhuang, PhD (Business Administration), Kobe University, Japan

Zainurin Bin Dahari, PhD (Marketing), The Univ. of Western Australia, Australia

Zeynep Baktir, PhD (Marketing), Bilkent University, Turkey